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Dongjoo Seo

“I imagined an empty athletic field after the frenzied game and after everyone left. All the players who fought fiercely for victory and the spectators who were cheering for their own victory through them have left and the empty stadium, where no winner or loser is known, is scattered with only the equipment used by the players. Inside these spaces are the shapes of dots, lines, faces, and colors created by human needs, and the aesthetics of abstractions and ideas. Similar but different images are images of laws and rules, symbols and symbols and civilizations that humans have given to humans. After all, space is essentially human. I wanted to portray: the graphic impressions of the sport itself; the traces of past time; the unfinished stories; the lingering effects of physical movements and sounds; the moments and spaces that are over; the feelings of peace and silence. All elements expressed in the illustration (such as the use of figures and colors; specifications and ratios of stadiums and equipment), were produced in accordance with the official Olympic rules except for some detailed elements.”_Dongjoo Seo

27.2 × 42 cm
Hard cover / Perfect binding
74 pages
ISBN 978-89-966208-9-1 

* The bookmaking process of this book is carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.

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