Mountains and Clouds

Mountains and Clouds
Mountains and Clouds
Wayne Levin
“On the windward side, the Ko‘olau Mountains are steep green undulating cliffs that face the ocean. In the sunshine, they are bright green majestic mountains, but when the rain comes, they are cloaked in swirling clouds and mystery. This is when I’m drawn to photograph them.” _Wayne Levin
This work is about the juxtaposition of clouds and the solid surface of the mountains of Hawaii Island where the author resides. For the artist who has been taking pictures of underwater over the past 40 years, the sea and land are a single landscape connected by water and air. He has always been greatly inspired by oriental landscape paintings of mountains and clouds. His landscape photographs, which have become one beyond the boundary between East and West and sky and land, raise fundamental questions about the circulation of invisible energy and natural matter. The white space of the clouds and the beautiful mountains are harmoniously unfolded in this book. It was produced in a handmade book limited to 300 volumes.
First Edition, 300 copies
19.5 × 29.5 cm
42 pages
Hardcover / Accordion binding / Tritone UV printing
ISBN 978-89-97605-60-6
* Numbered
* Printed by Munsung Printing
* The bookmaking process was carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.