humming humming

humming humming
humming humming
Yunsoo Kim
“The word ‘humming’ in the dictionary is defined as a musical tone with lips closed, being mostly used for a chorus. In other words, I thought ‘[humming] failed to become a language, yet carried a sense of togetherness.’ It is closer to comforting others – more private, and feeling a sense of togetherness even in solitude. ‘humming humming’ is a harmony of boundless minds moving toward somewhere for a while or for long in the woods, on the streets, in my studio or everywhere in between.” _Yunsoo Kim
For Yunsoo Kim, an artist who draws, paints, sculpts, and writes without boundaries, her work is a personal record of the ebb and flow of life and a landscape in which life enters and creates itself. ‘humming humming’ captures winds that caress the boundaries of nature, wildflowers that are endlessly scattered on the field, and moments that were left unsettled in a fluent rhyme of slow breaths. In the works of Yunsoo Kim, language, matter, and nature expand beyond the boundaries of sight, touch, and sound and draw out a harmonious connection between now and beyond. Through this book, the invisible songs and letters are sent out in hopes to be a greeting to her father or a light on someone’s thoughts on the intangible.
This book includes wild seeds, sand from the Gobi desert, ultramarine blue pigment and pressed flowers which had been collected by the artist, along with notes and drawings by the artist. For a long time, the artist has used the color Ultramarine, which means ‘beyond the sea,’ to approach subjects of the temporary and the invisible. Special pages of the book with printed notes include hand-painted traces of ultramarine scattered throughout like the wind and the stars.
The paired book of text ‘The Bluest Scene’ presents a body of sculptural work that began in 2003 along with artist notes written about the creative process. Through writing, drawing, and sculpting, the artist reflects on her invisible bond with the world and learns to embrace the world that surrounds her. This artist notebook carries poetic fragments of the artist’s ever-growing relationship with her surrounding landscapes.
Limited Edition, 50 copies
21.5 × 26 cm
80 pages
Softcover / No binding / Bookcloth Box
* Signed and numbered
* This book contains wild seeds, sand from the Gobi desert, ultramarine blue pigment and pressed flowers which had been collected by the artist, along with notes handwritten by the artist.
* This book was created in collaboration between Datz Books and Yunsoo Kim.
* Box Production by Jinkyung Sung