Grace and Gravity

Grace and Gravity


Grace and Gravity
Sangyon Joo

“The old tree at Kensington house, baby spiders at Linda’s garden, mayflies at Yellowstone Park, and a rainbow I encountered while searching for fireflies...photographs in this book contain more personal stories and experiences than they may seem. Like a baby who saw the world for the first time, 「Grace and Gravity」is comprised of moments of awe and wonder that brought me the pleasure of seeing...Enduring gravity is an inevitable living condition for human beings but grace is not obtainable; it comes down from above like a warm light.” _Sangyon Joo

‘Grace and Gravity’ consists of photographs of light and shadow that the photographer encountered in the West Coast of the United States. Intuitively gathered trivial dots were reconstructed and fermented into a different language through years of thought-process. One image may not encompass all meanings but multiple images that are free of constraints and borders would mix and react to each other, constructing new meanings. Such an infinite landscape, not derived from an illusion of a singular perspective but from an illusion of multiple perspectives, dreams of ascending into the space of sublime and grace by resisting gravity.

Limited edition, 300 copies
26 × 35 cm
138 pages
Hard cover / Perfect binding
ISBN 978-89-97605-15-6

* signed and numbered
* Production by TOP PROCESS, Korea


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Special Edition
Edition of 50, signed and numbered copies
Includes one original print (9” x 12”) from choice of five

Grace and Gravity (SE) 01.jpg

Grace and Gravity (SE)

Magazine Gitz 8  "From Walden" _DTZ0836.jpg

Magazine Gitz 8 "From Walden"
