Magazine Gitz 8 "From Walden"

Magazine Gitz 8 "From Walden"
from Walden
Gitz vol.8
In Gitz vol. 8, an American poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau’s life and the world of artists influenced by Thoreau’s book, ‘Walden’ are introduced. Eliot Porter, an American photographer known for his richly colored images of the natural world bound writings in ‘Walden’ with his images in the photobook. Introducing Porter’s long-time inspirational photographs, photos of Sangyon Joo inspired by Walden Lake and the works of Minny Lee, who reinterprets with her essays and performances, are enumerate. David Ellingsen records a portrait of the remaining tree stumps after being cut off by his ancestors, replacing the realization given by nature with human desires. Carleton Watkins has recorded a Yosemite called the Paradise of the West, and Kirk Crippens and Gretchen Lemaistre shows the sacred beauty of nature recorded in photographs.
Eliot Porter, Sangyon Joo, Minny Lee, David Ellingsen, Carleton Watkins, Kirk Crippens and Gretchen Lemaistre
102 pages
Soft cover / Perfect binding
ISSN 2093-7970 02
* This volume is published in conjunction with the exhibition “from Walden”, which was held from Nov. 12, 2016 to Feb. 10, 2017 at the Datz Museum of Art.
* The bookmaking process of this book is carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.