Our Time Between (*Rare book)

Our Time Between (*Rare book)
Our Time Between
Doug Muir
“Differences fell by the wayside and life was a state of bliss. The insurmountable became little challenges. Some easily resolved, even more were not worth getting worked up about. Our own little craziness was on our own and not the other. There was love, tenderness, care, nurture, and sexiness everyday.”_Doug Muir
At an exhibition in Berkeley in 1976, two artists met and fulfilled their love for thirty years. This book ‘Our Time Between’ carries the love of Doug Muir, a photographer who documented his wife for 10 years, who was losing her memory due to Alzheimer’s disease.
17.5 × 25 cm
72 pages
Hardcover / Perfect binding
ISBN 978-89-97605-25-5
* The bookmaking process of this book is carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.