a better home

a better home


a better home
Min Kyung

“I think that the space occupied by a human reflects his identity, as a human being matures in his own space. In my art, the impression of space in a form and a narrative of human life in the space are important metaphors.” _Min Kyung

Min Kyung is interested in the multiple stages of growth and spiritual journeys that a person experiences in a given space. The artist writes a person’s story in a form of fiction and recreates/remembers the space with photographs and objects. ‘a better home’ is a book about the journey to utopia in reality - a ‘heterotopia’ concepted by Michel Foucault, the place where humans rest and grow. Each book includes one print of charcoal drawing and original pigment print with the artist’s signature.

Limited Edition, 60 copies
18 × 24 cm
94 pages
Softcover / Perfect binding
ISBN 978-89-97605-43-9

*Includes one original print and one drawing print with artist signature.
*The bookmaking process was carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.

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Her and My Parabola
