Magazine Gitz 5 "Art on Paper"

Magazine Gitz 5 "Art on Paper"
Art on Paper
Gitz vol.5
Magazine Gitz vol. 5 has a story based on the materiality in the visual art, such as paper, books, and photographs, under the title ‘Art on Paper’. Catherine Wagner is an artist who transforms elements of contemporary society into conceptual images. Mostly inspired by nature, Theresa Ganz combines photography, paintings and sculpture in her work and crosses between materialization and revival. Theresa Hak kyung Cha deals with the concept of migration, women, language, and nation in a complex way and works on it through multilingual, photography, text, and books. Also, Gitz contains interviews with Seungchul Lee, an artist and a collector who researches on Korean traditional materials on books and an attractive paper shop called Jang Ji Bang, Jan’s family’s paper workshop for the four generations.
Catherine Wagner, Theresa Ganz, Theresa Hak kyung Cha, Jangjibang, Seungchul Lee
148 pages
Soft cover / Perfect binding
ISSN 2093-7970 02
* The bookmaking process of this book is carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.