The Olson House

The Olson House
The Olson House
Linda Connor
Olson House became famous in American history, thanks to Andrew Wyeth who was in close asso- ciation with the Olsons. Cincinnati Art Museum commissioned San Francisco-based artist Linda Connor to photograph the site in 2006 and exhibited her images to provide a counterpoint to an exhibition of Wyeth’s earlier watercolors and drawings of the house and owners. While Wyeth’s work ponders upon human agony and contemplation, Connor’s <The Olson House> is mysteriously alive and animated, in commune with the historical figures.
20.3 × 25.4 cm
64 pages
Hard cover / Perfect binding
ISBN 978-89-97605-01-9
* The bookmaking process of this book is carried out with exquisite craftsmanship by Datz Books.
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